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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Snaptu: Your Willpower Is as Strong as You Think It Is, Study Says [Distractions]

"Your ability to focus on one thing without succumbing to distractions may test your willpower, but according to a recent study performed by a team of..."

Click here to read the full story

This email was sent to you from Snaptu mobile application.


I'll explain here how to setup a web proxy with antivirus capabilities

We will use these tools : Squid + ClamAV + a patched version of DansGuardian

We will be needing following tools to get this task done

Squid :
ClamAV :
DansGuardian :

Note: You can download Squid rpm from the default RHEL/CentOS repo.

Requirements for Squid:

Squid should be running on port 3128

should only entertain request from localhost

/etc/squid/squid.conf :
http_port 3128
acl localhost src
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

Install DansGuardian with the antivirus plugin from repo :

Install the SecurityTeamUS repo :
rpm -ihv

Install DansGuardian-av and its dependencies (included on SecurityTeamUS) :

yum install dansguardian-av

Output :
Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
SecurityTeamUS 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 30 kB 00:00
SecurityTe: ################################################## 68/68
Added 68 new packages, deleted 0 old in 0.88 seconds
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Downloading header for dansguardian-av to pack into transaction set.
dansguardian-av- 100% |=========================| 24 kB 00:00
---> Package dansguardian-av.i386 0: set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: for package: dansguardian-av
--> Processing Dependency: clamd for package: dansguardian-av
--> Processing Dependency: for package: dansguardian-av
--> Processing Dependency: libesmtp for package: dansguardian-av
--> Processing Dependency: clamav for package: dansguardian-av
--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Downloading header for libesmtp to pack into transaction set.
libesmtp-0.8.12-1.i386.rp 100% |=========================| 4.9 kB 00:00
---> Package libesmtp.i386 0:0.8.12-1 set to be updated
---> Downloading header for clamd to pack into transaction set.
clamd-0.88.7-1.i386.rpm 100% |=========================| 4.7 kB 00:00
---> Package clamd.i386 0:0.88.7-1 set to be updated
---> Downloading header for clamav to pack into transaction set.
clamav-0.88.7-1.i386.rpm 100% |=========================| 7.4 kB 00:00
---> Package clamav.i386 0:0.88.7-1 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: clamav-db = 0.88.7-1 for package: clamav
--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Downloading header for clamav-db to pack into transaction set.
clamav-db-0.88.7-1.i386.r 100% |=========================| 2.6 kB 00:00
---> Package clamav-db.i386 0:0.88.7-1 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
dansguardian-av i386 SecurityTeamUS 309 k
Installing for dependencies:
clamav i386 0.88.7-1 SecurityTeamUS 944 k
clamav-db i386 0.88.7-1 SecurityTeamUS 7.3 M
clamd i386 0.88.7-1 SecurityTeamUS 64 k
libesmtp i386 0.8.12-1 SecurityTeamUS 176 k
Transaction Summary
Install 5 Package(s)
Update 0 Package(s)
Remove 0 Package(s)
Total download size: 8.8 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

Start ClamAV daemon :
service clamd start

By default, clamd should listen on

Set up DansGuardian-av this way :
reportinglevel = 3
languagedir = '/etc/dansguardian/languages'
language = 'ukenglish'
loglevel = 3
logexceptionhits = on
logfileformat = 1
loglocation = '/var/log/dansguardian/access.log'
filterip =
filterport = 8080
proxyip =
proxyport = 3128
nonstandarddelimiter = on
usecustombannedimage = 1
custombannedimagefile = '/etc/dansguardian/transparent1x1.gif'
filtergroups = 1
filtergroupslist = '/etc/dansguardian/filtergroupslist'
bannediplist = '/etc/dansguardian/bannediplist'
exceptioniplist = '/etc/dansguardian/exceptioniplist'
banneduserlist = '/etc/dansguardian/banneduserlist'
exceptionuserlist = '/etc/dansguardian/exceptionuserlist'
showweightedfound = on
weightedphrasemode = 0
urlcachenumber = 3000
urlcacheage = 900
phrasefiltermode = 2
preservecase = 0
hexdecodecontent = 0
forcequicksearch = 0
reverseaddresslookups = off
reverseclientiplookups = off
createlistcachefiles = on
maxuploadsize = -1
maxcontentfiltersize = 256
usernameidmethodproxyauth = on
usernameidmethodident = off
preemptivebanning = on
forwardedfor = off
usexforwardedfor = off
logconnectionhandlingerrors = on
maxchildren = 120
minchildren = 8
minsparechildren = 4
preforkchildren = 6
maxsparechildren = 32
maxagechildren = 500
ipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianipc'
urlipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianurlipc'
pidfilename = '/var/run/'
nodaemon = off
nologger = off
daemonuser = 'nobody'
daemongroup = 'nobody'
softrestart = off
virusscan = on
virusengine = 'clamav'
tricklelength = 32768
forkscanlength = 32768
firsttrickledelay = 10
followingtrickledelay = 10
maxcontentscansize = 41904304
virusscanexceptions = on
urlcachecleanonly = on
virusscannertimeout = 60
notify = 2 # will notify the admin only
emaildomain = ''
postmaster = ''
emailserver = ''
downloaddir = '/tmp/dgvirus'
clmaxfiles = 1500
clmaxreclevel = 3
clmaxfilesize = 10485760
clblockencryptedarchives = off
cldetectbroken = off
clamdsocket = ''

This is my configuration, please review it to match your needs

Make sure dansguardian will start at boot :
chkconfig dansguardian on

Start DansGuardian :
service dansguardian start

Now, you can set up your browser preference to use the antivirus web proxy (IP:8080)

If you want to set dansguardian as a transparent proxy :
1. Edit /etc/squid/squid.conf and add :
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

2. Type this at the command prompt (where your local subnet is and your LAN interface is eth0) :
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

3. Save your iptables configuration, type :
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Squid logs can be tailed here :
tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log

DansGuardian logs can be tailed here :
tail -f /var/log/dansguardian/access.log

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weird facts about technology:

  • It’s impossible for your computer to be infected by a virus, just from opening an email message.
  • 70% of virus writers actually work under a contract for an organization.
  • Bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers were all invented by women.
  • Leonardo DA Vinci invented the scissors.
  • Close to 60% of the radiation that comes from a mobile phone goes directly to the users head.
  • The web, not indexed by search engines is said to be 500 times bigger than the current size of the indexed web.
  • The original URL for Yahoo was was
  • The name of the search engine Alta Vista came into existence when the word Vista was misinterpreted as “Alta Vista” on a white board.
  • Up until the 14th of September, 1995, domain registration was free.
  • The average person receives around 30 emails a day, 3 of these being spam.
  • Billions of hours are wasted online, spent, waiting for content to download.
  • The first “modern” computer was built in 1941 by Konrad Zuse in World War 2. He looked to funding from the Germans but was denied because they did not expect the war to last beyond Christmas.